A String & A Prayer: Mala Making Course
Available spots
Service Description
Saturday, March 1st • 11am - 2pm • $40 • materials included with Kadampa Meditation Teachers, Vickie Clement & Eve Miller A mala is a traditional Buddhist rosary used to recite mantras. In this course you will learn about the practice of mantra recitation and the traditional Buddhist techniques for making and using a mala. For Buddhist practitioners, a mala is very precious and meaningful. Through regular use, it becomes a very blessed and powerful object. All materials for this course will be provided, including a selection of beads, threading and tassel materials. You will come away with a completed mala and understand how to use it to benefit yourself and others. Malas also make excellent gifts! Everyone welcome, no experience necessary.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Kadampa Meditation Center Philadelphia, 47 North 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA, USA